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Former President Donald Trump Issues Statement On Eve of January 6

The former president issues a statement on Wednesday criticizing the current administration, asking his supporters to "Rise Up"

Former President Donald Trump Issues Statement On Eve of January 6

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump issued a statement to his supporters to "rise up" against Democrat overreach. The statement came on the eve of the capitol riots of January 6. 

Tensions have risen as the anniversary of January 6 approached, and the Capitol Police are on high alert during this time.

Thursday morning, President Joe Biden is set to speak from the Capitol on the anniversary of the events that took place one year ago.

The White House said on Wednesday that Biden would push back against Trump's claims that his election defeat resulted from widespread fraud. The White House also said that they would highlight the events as the worst assault on the Capitol since the War of 1812.

Trump had planned to hold a press conference at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Thursday. However, after counsel from his allies and other supporters, the Mar-a-Lago event was canceled to avoid further tensions.

On Wednesday evening, Trump issued a statement criticizing President Joe Biden's handling of the COVID pandemic.  

"Now, there's talk by the Biden Administration again about closing schools and even vaccine mandates for school children," Trump said. 

"This is an outrage, and MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach."

"The Democrats are so incredibly mandate happy," Trump said.

"The Biden Administration's response to COVID is getting worse every day. Joe Biden said, 'there is no federal solution' to the pandemic, but he then federalized the distribution of antibodies, and red states are getting the short end of the stick," Trump added. 

"In my administration, we respected the role of Governors to take care of their own states, and they could request antibodies and therapeutics depending on what they needed. That's the way our Country is supposed to be run," he went on to say.

"People should be able to choose how they want to govern their own health. The federal government must be reined in and give the people back the freedom to decide whether they want to be vaccinated or not."

"Joe Biden said he would never issue mandates, but he did it anyway like so many other things," Trump Concluded. 

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