2024 Election /

First Lady Jill Preventing Biden Withdrawal Over Feud With Kamala, New Report Says

'The only thing worse than her husband stepping down would be Harris stepping up to replace him'

First Lady Jill Preventing Biden Withdrawal Over Feud With Kamala, New Report Says

President Joe Biden has been inundated with calls to withdraw from the presidential race following a lackluster performance two weeks ago in a debate against former President Donald Trump.

Criticism of Biden is not limited to right-wing circles, but has become a frequent topic among members of his own party, including senior lawmakers who are now demanding his departure.

Despite the increasing number of former allies joining the chorus of voices urging him to step aside, Biden remains resolute — some might say recalcitrant — in his commitment to continuing his campaign.

A new report reveals that one significant reason for Biden's staunch resistance to ending his candidacy is a bitter, ongoing feud between his wife, Jill Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris.

According to Democratic operatives, animosity between Jill Biden and Harris is "one hundred percent" a factor in Jill's opposition to her 81-year-old husband stepping aside, as reported by Dailymail, which first broke the story.

“Jill holds grudges,” an unnamed Democratic insider told the publication. “She doesn't let things go and she has never forgiven Kamala for comments that some took to be allegations of racism.”

Those comments date back to the 2019 primary season, when Harris, then a presidential candidate, criticized Biden during a debate for his past opposition to using busing to desegregate schools.

“I will direct this at Vice President Biden,” Harris said. “I do not believe you are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground.”

She continued:

‘But, I also believe and it’s personal and it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senator who is built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country.

It was not only that… there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day.That little girl was me. So, I will tell you that on this subject, it cannot be an intellectual debate among Democrats. We have to take it seriously. We have to act swiftly.’

As CNN noted, “The comment was a direct hit” on Biden.

Insiders told Dailymail that Jill never wanted Harris to serve as VP because the only thing worse than her husband stepping down would be Harris stepping up to replace him.

Another unnamed source suggested that Jill Biden is the one actually "running the show" and that she wants to remain in the White House nearly as much as she wants to keep Harris out.

“Jill has become consumed by the power and prestige of the presidency and what that means to her,” the source told Dailymail.

A separate source added, “It's not about Kamala and it's not really about Joe. It's more about her holding on to her status as First Lady. She doesn't want to give that up.”

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