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DHS Secretary Mayorkas Under Congressional Investigation

Immigration reform group says Biden administration border policies are enriching criminal cartels

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Under Congressional Investigation

A U.S. House Committee has announced an investigation into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for “dereliction of duty,” following the record number of illegal aliens crossing into the U.S. and a spike in fentanyl deaths.

The House Homeland Security Committee released a 55-page report detailing policies enacted under the Biden administration that have spiked illegal border crossings and fueled America’s current drug crisis.

“In just over two years of Secretary Mayorkas’ leadership, the number of encounters at our Southwest border has doubled compared to the previous administration,” Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green said in a statement. “More than 1.5 million known gotaways have entered our country. The drug cartels control our Southwest border and are flooding our communities with fentanyl. This is not a coincidence—this is a dereliction of duty.”

More than six million illegal aliens (including “gotaways”) have crossed into the U.S. since President Joe Biden took office in 2021.

During Biden’s tenure, the synthetic opioid fentanyl has become the number one cause of death among U.S. adults ages 18-45.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is applauding the House investigation of Mayorkas and is calling for accountability.

“As Secretary, Mayorkas has refused to carry out his duties to enforce our nation’s immigration laws or secure our borders, resulting in an unprecedented humanitarian and national security crisis,” FAIR said in a statement. “Moreover, he has openly defied numerous court rulings ordering him and his department to enforce those laws.”

FAIR is a non-partisan, public interest organization that says it is working to a more manageable level, allow the U.S. to better manage growth, address environmental concerns, and maintain a high quality of life.

“His actions have empowered and enriched international criminal cartels that engage in the abhorrent trade of smuggling and trafficking human beings, often with tragic consequences,” FAIR states. “Additionally, those cartels smuggle lethal narcotics, responsible for the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans each year, across the borders he refuses to protect. At the same time, his defiance of our laws and his oath of office are imposing unsustainable burdens on communities all across the United States, costing American taxpayers additional billions of dollars.”

As of this week, Republicans don’t have the votes to formalize impeachment proceedings. However, Green says though it is too early to discuss impeachment, his investigation will end with a recommendation to the Judiciary Committee, which oversees impeachments.

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