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Despite Catastrophic Debate Performance and Calls to Withdraw, Biden Campaign Vows to Press On

'It’s a long, long campaign, and one debate...will not decide the results'

Despite Catastrophic Debate Performance and Calls to Withdraw, Biden Campaign Vows to Press On

President Joe Biden is being roundly criticized by his supporters and opponents after his performance in last night’s debate, which caused longtime allies to call for him to step aside. 

Biden squared off with former President Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidential nominee, in the earliest presidential debate in U.S. history.

Policy discussion and evaluation of both mens’ records as commander-in-chief was outshined by Biden’s widely criticized performance.

After the debate, Biden-friendly CNN commentator Van Jones urged the Democratic Party to “figure out a different way forward,” a not-so-subtle reference to dumping Biden from the ticket and replacing him with someone more likely to win in November.

Democratic media personality Joe Scarborough did a complete 180-degree turnaround from just a few months ago, telling his MSNBC audience post-debate: “Now is a good time, in June … this is the last chance for Democrats to decide whether this man we’ve known and loved for a long time is up to the task” of remaining in the race for the White House.

Criticism of the debate was not limited to just Americans. Chinese commentators mocked the debate, with high profile media commentator and former state media editor Hu Xijin calling it “very entertaining,” adding, “Objectively speaking, the low-quality performance of these two old men was a negative advertisement for Western democracy.”

As POLITICO explained the morning after the debate, there is now a full movement within the Democratic establishment to convince Biden to drop out.

Some lawmakers and commentators are calling for Biden not to simply have his campaign ended, but to be removed from the presidency using the 25th Amendment process, which allows a president to be forcibly removed if they are deemed unable to carry out the duties of the office.

Despite much of the entire nation (including many of his own allies) being united against Biden continuing his candidacy, his campaign began today not with circumspection, but a vow to keep him in the race.

“It’s a long, long campaign, and one debate, as we saw in 2012 with Obama, will not decide the results,” an unnamed source connected to the campaign told NBC News. The unnamed representative said that Biden has been discounted by pundits and reporters in the past.

Another source connected to the Biden campaign told the news outlet that the campaign flatly denies that Biden would leave the race, saying, “Of course not.”

At this stage, it would be incredibly difficult for outsiders to remove Biden from the ticket. Under Democratic Party rules, it is nearly impossible to replace a nominee without their consent.

Barring Biden’s death, incapacitation, or other medical mishap, he will have to voluntarily step aside for Democrats to bring in another presidential candidate.

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