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Democrats Have Record Breaking Fundraising Haul For Q1

DLCC is targeting Republicans in numerous state-wide races across the U.S.

Democrats Have Record Breaking Fundraising Haul For Q1

As 2024 election campaigning heats up, the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), an organization dedicated to bolstering Democratic candidates in state legislative contests, announced today it is posting record fundraising hauls.

The DLCC has unveiled its “Down Ballot Defenders” program, which launched earlier this year, and has resulted in the best first quarter numbers for grassroots donations since the organization’s founding in 1992.

More than $2.3 million was raised during Q1 this year, which is 45 percent higher than the group’s previous record first quarter. At least 17 percent of current active recurring donations began during the first three months of this year.

The DLCC’s heightened fundraising efforts underscore the focus that both major political parties are placing on state legislative battles

“In just the first three months of the launch of our ‘Down Ballot Defenders’ program, the DLCC has smashed online grassroots fundraising records and changed the trajectory of our grassroots fundraising program,” Masha Anderson, Deputy Vice President of Development, said in a news release.

“We’re thrilled to have launched the first branded recurring donor program at the state level, which will make a true impact on statehouse races in 2024 and beyond,” Anderson added. “This ballot level has been historically underfunded, but the dedicated monthly support that this program offers helps to fill that gap and connects with people all over the country who are committed to building Democratic majorities in the states – the level of the ballot that has the most impact on people’s day-to-day lives.”

Currently, Republicans control 27 statehouses, while Democrats control just 21. Alaska’s House Coalition is a completely bipartisan legislative system, while Nebraska has a unicameral legislature.

Taking a more granular view, Republicans control 57 chambers, compared to Democrats who control 40. And Republicans have 4,022 state legislators, comparued to Democrats who have 3,270.

GOP control of state legislatures is a phenomenon that only recently emerged during the tenure of President Barack Obama.

When Obama took office, Democrats controlled 17 state legislatures, while Republicans controlled only nine — 23 legislatures were divided with one party controllling each chamber. In 2010, during the first midterm cycle while Obama was president, the GOP invested in state legislative races and won in a landslide, largely driven by outrage over the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

In 2010, Republicans secured 52 percent of U.S. Legislative seats (the most they had won since 1928) and 54 legislative chambers (the highest number since 1952).

Earlier this year, it was reported that the DLCC is hoping to spend at least $60 million on statewide races, with a sharp focus on both chambers in Arizona and New Hampshire, and the Pennsylvania Senate. The group will also back state house candidates in Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, where Democrats hold razor-thin majorities.

“The Down Ballot Defenders program will be instrumental in fueling our ability to build Democratic power across the country,” DLCC President Heather Williams said in the news release. “2024 is the year of the states, and we’re building the programs and resources to capitalize on our momentum and deliver victories – both in November and for years to come.”

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