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Democrats and Republicans Agree That Government Is Mishandling Southern Border, New Data Shows

Only 18 percent of Americans believe the government is doing a good job with the border

Democrats and Republicans Agree That Government Is Mishandling Southern Border, New Data Shows

During a time of intense political polarization, there is one thing on which Democrats and Republicans can agree: the federal government is doing a doing a terrible job handling the situation at the U.S. southern border.

Overwhelming majorities of both major political parties (89 percent of Republicans and 73 percent of Democrats) give the government negative ratings for its handling of the migrant crisis under the Biden administration, according to new survey data from Pew Research.

Only 18 percent of Americans believe the government is doing a good job with the border.

“A sizable majority of Americans (78 percent) say the large number of migrants seeking to enter this country at the U.S.-Mexico border is either a crisis (45 percent) or a major problem (32 percent),” according to the survey, which sampled 5,140 adults between Jan. 16-21.

The latest figures, showing major political factions are united in their desire for government to better handle immigration, come as the public reckons with major issues tied to illegal migration and what those issues could mean for the U.S. long-term.

  • Police have arrested 26-year-old Jose Ibarra, an illegal alien, accusing him of murdering 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley in a manner so brutal her skull was left disfigured

  • Some jurisdictions are floating proposals to allow non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections, although the bills are beginning to be struck down in court

  • Multiple states weigh legislation that would allow illegal aliens to become law enforcement officers

  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is planning a mass release of tens of thousands of illegal aliens after a proposed Senate border bill stalled

  • Lawmakers push bills that would allow illegal aliens to serve in the U.S. military

About seven-in-ten Americans (71 percent), including majorities in both parties, cite better economic opportunities as a major reason why there has been a surge in migration.

Among Democrats, 79 percent believe migrants come to the U.S. because of violence in their home countries, compared to just 49 percent of Republicans who agree.

Republicans are more likely than Democrats to describe the situation as a “crisis” (70 percent, compared with only 22 percent of Democrats).

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