2024 Election /

Conservative Icon Thomas Sowell Warns Republicans: Shape Up for 2024

He explains that simply 'denouncing or ridiculing' Kamala Harris is not the same as refuting her positions on issues, and could cost Republicans the election

Conservative Icon Thomas Sowell Warns Republicans: Shape Up for 2024

Thomas Sowell, the esteemed author, scholar, economist, and intellectual, has issued a rare rebuke of the Republican Party's political strategy and sends a warning to the party as the United States approaches the 2024 election.

In an August 22 op-ed for The Wall Street Journal titled “Republicans Better Get on the Ball,” Sowell, a revered figure among conservatives, delivers a blunt message to his political allies: “If the Republicans lose this year’s election — against an administration whose policies have been rejected by the public in poll after poll — they will deserve to lose.”

Sowell points to the Democratic policymaking of the past four years, which he argues has led to economic difficulties and unchecked violence. In his view, given the current political landscape, the election should not be close between Democrats and Republicans.

Recent polls have shown a tightening race between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, despite Trump holding a significant lead in hypothetical matchups earlier this year. Some polls now indicate Harris has a slight advantage.

Amid this shift in momentum, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has suggested that Democrats might retain control of the Senate, a prospect that seemed unlikely before President Joe Biden withdrew from the race.

Many on the right argue that Harris’ rising support is not organic, but rather the result of an astroturfing campaign by a sycophantic media establishment — a claim Sowell believes does not excuse ineffective Republican outreach.

“Some Republicans may say that it is because the media are on the side of the Democrats and suppress or distort the facts accordingly. Others may say that the universities have become indoctrination centers, promoting the kind of ideologies that favor the Democrats’ agenda,” Sowell wrote.

“But, even if we concede all that, the fact is that a similar situation existed back in the days when Ronald Reagan won two consecutive presidential elections by landslides. How did he do it?” he asked. “He did it by addressing the voting public as if they were adults who could understand an issue — if you explained it to them in plain English, instead of in political jargon or snappy quips.”

Sowell, 94, who typically avoids labeling his own political beliefs, concedes that the word “libertarian” would describe his political philosophy better than others. He has authored dozens of books and countless articles on topics largely centered around race and economics.

In his missive to conservatives, he underscores the significance of this election, cautioning that “there is such a thing as a country declining to the point of no return,” and adding, “Four more years of disastrous Biden-Harris policies, at home and abroad, can take us past that fatal point.”

He also warns of downplaying the public’s positive reactions to Harris after becoming the Democratic nominee. “Many Republicans seem confident that they will win this year’s election,” Sowell wrote. “But just a couple of years ago, they were equally confident that they would win control of both houses of Congress in a ‘red wave.’”

Modern politics has often been likened to a “blood sport,” and this election cycle is no exception. Much of the criticism directed at Harris has been less about her policies and more focused on personal attacks concerning her race, gender, and intellect.

Sowell urges Republicans to counter Harris’ campaign claims with substantive arguments, emphasizing that “denouncing or ridiculing” her is not the same as refuting her positions.

He also reminds Republicans that mail-in ballots will be distributed in less than a month, cautioning that even if the GOP’s messaging shifts closer to Election Day, if voters have already cast ballots by the time they hear Republican counterarguments, it won’t matter.

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