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Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Leads New Effort to Impeachment President Joe Biden

'The American people can no longer be subjected to a President who refuses to secure our borders'

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Leads New Effort to Impeachment President Joe Biden

The House of Representatives will be forced to vote on President Joe Biden’s impeachment following action taken by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado.

Boebert argued that the Democratic president has failed to protect Americans by taking insufficient steps to secure the southern border. She introduced a privileged resolution to impeach Biden on June 20. 

“The American people can no longer be subjected to a President who refuses to secure our borders,” she wrote on Twitter. “His open border agenda has put every American at greater risk, allowed human traffickers to thrive and given the cartel a free pass. He is not fit to remain as Commander in Chief.”

Customs and Border Patrol reported in February that its agents have "apprehended or have deemed inadmissible nearly a million illegal immigrants crossing the southwest border, the most in nearly 15 years." The agencies also noted "up to 60% of Border Patrol agents’ time was diverted to care for the humanitarian needs of the illegal aliens apprehended" and therefore agents were not available to "stop drug smugglers or other illegal crossings when large groups are encountered" or stop other illegal activity.

While speaking from the House floor, Boebert said Biden “intentionally ceded command & control of our border to cartels” and, as a result, “caused the deaths of over 900 Coloradans from fentanyl.” She also said the Biden administration’s policies “enabled sex trafficking and allowed invasion.”

Boebert said Biden had not met his constitutional duty to ensure the laws of the nation are “faithfully executed.”

“Joeseph R. Biden Jr. had abused the powers of the office of the president of the United States,” said Boebert. “In fact, using the powers of his office, President Biden has knowingly presided over an executive branch that has continuously, overtly, and consistently violated federal immigration law by pursuing an aggressive open-borders agenda by purposely and knowingly releasing 2 million illegal aliens into the interior of the United States without the intention or ability to ensure that they appear in immigration court, that they face asylum or deportation proceedings.”

The congresswoman said Biden’s actions facilitated an “invasion” at the U.S.-Mexico border.

This is the second time Boebert has taken steps to impeach Biden. On Sept. 24, 2021, she introduced articles of impeachment in response to Biden’s botched withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan. 

In a press release, Boebert said:

Joe Biden willfully abandoned his duty as President of the United States and violated his constitutional oath to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed’ by failing to ensure the national security of the United States and its citizens. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris handed over billions of dollars of American-made weapons to the very scum of the earth that we spent $2 trillion fighting. The Biden regime is not being held accountable. There have been no resignations, no indictments, no investigations, no congressional oversight, no outcry from the mainstream media, and no apologies—so I’m stepping up to hold Biden and Harris accountable by filing articles of impeachment for giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies and colluding with the Taliban.

House Democratic Whip Katherine Clark of Massachusetts told her colleagues in an email that the House "is expected to take a procedure vote on the motion to table the resolution when it is offered this week,” reports NBC News. Tabling the resolution would prevent the House from voting on the issue.

Tennesee Congressman Andy Ogles introduced articles of impeachment against both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on June 12, notes Fox News. Boebert co-sponsored the resolution. 

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