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China 'Laughing Hysterically' At U.S. Combat Readiness As Military Officials Focus On Culture Wars

The Defense Department Has shifted some its focus toward gender issues and critical race theory

China 'Laughing Hysterically' At U.S. Combat Readiness As Military Officials Focus On Culture Wars

A former senior official at the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is condemning military officials for their focus on race, gender and “woke issues” rather than combat readiness, saying that China “must be laughing hysterically” at Pentagon leaders who are preoccupied with culture wars instead of actual war.

Former Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview that he is worried about the DOD’s focus on social issues.

"Hardly anybody joins the military to be part of the culture wars," he said. "They join the military because they want to serve their country and, if necessary, defend our country in real war — not culture war."

As China proceeds with its plans to dominate the world by displacing the U.S. as the world’s leading super power by the year 2049, DOD officials have focused on gender transition surgeries, critical race theory, and reading assignments on the hypothetical concept of “white privilege.”

Miller’s interview comes just weeks after a new report from the bipartisan, nonprofit Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) determined the U.S. is so unprepared for war that if conflict broke out with China over Taiwan, the U.S. military would run out of munitions in less than a week.

"It is probably one of the few places in America where if you work hard and you do your job, you will be rewarded, you will receive benefits, you will get promoted if that’s what you want," Miller said. "And, you know, it has absolutely nothing to do with race, creed, color, sexual orientation — any of that. It all comes down to combat effectiveness. And that’s what people in the field really, really care about.”

"I know they get frustrated having their leaders drag them into these woke issues," Miller added. "And I think most of them don't even know what that means. They just want to do their jobs."

Miller’s concerns were aired as some congressional Republicans warned of how unprepared the U.S. may be in a war with China.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has defended military personnel studying critical race theory, telling a congressional committee, "It is important that we train and we understand — and I want to understand white rage, and I'm white, and I want to understand it."

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