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Blake Masters Leads Other Republicans in Primary for Arizona Senate Seat

Polls indicate Masters has more support than either Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich or businessman Jim Lamon

Blake Masters Leads Other Republicans in Primary for Arizona Senate Seat

Venture Capitalist Blake Masters is currently favored to win the Arizona Republican primary and become the party’s candidate for the Senate.

Multiple polls indicate the president of the Theil Foundation has a comfortable lead over other party members campaigning for the Senate. 

Emerson College reported on July 31 that Masters had 40% of voters' support – leading businessman Jim Lamon by 18 points. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich was the voters' third selection with 14%, followed by retired Air Force Major General Michael McGuire with 12%.

About 9% of voters polled said they were undecided.

“When undecided voters are asked who they lean towards, Masters maintains his lead over Lamon, 42% to 24%,” the poll’s analysts noted.

A poll from the Trafalgar Group also found Masters was the most popular option among voters with a 7% lead over Lamon and a 20% lead over Brnovich. An earlier poll from the group released in May indicated Masters was in third place behind Lamon and Brnovich.

Similarly, a poll from the Rasmussen Reports and the Arizona Rock Products Association found that 31% of voters intend to support Masters, giving him another significant lead over Lamon, Brnovich, and McGuire.

OH Predictive Insight found that Masters gained 11% of support over the course of July – ending the month with 36% of voters. The poll found 53% of supporters of President Donald Trump plan to vote for Masters.

“Masters is in a strong position with a fractured field,” said OHPI’s Chief of Research Mike Noble.

Trump endorsed Masters in June.

“Blake is Strong on Border Security, in particular, the disastrous Southern Border where people are pouring into the U.S. by the millions,” the former president noted in his statement. Trump also called Brnovich a “disappointment” who failed to act despite evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 general election.

Masters has been criticized for comments regarding immigration, gun violence, and indoctrination in schools.

If he wins his party’s primary, Masters will face incumbent Democratic Senator Mark Kelly. Kelly beat his Republican predecessor, Martha McSally, during the 2020 election. McSally was appointed following the death of Senator John McCain.

A retired NASA astronaut, Kelly is currently favored to win reelection against any possible Republican challengers.

Masters called Kelly “the worst Senator in America” while speaking at the Save America Rally in Prescott on July 22.

Mark Kelly is completely disconnected from what life is like here on planet Earth,” Master said, alluding to Kelly’s previous career. “Here on Earth, in America, out-of-control inflation means that your gas, and your groceries, and your rent just keep going up and up and up. Here on Earth, in America, out-of-control illegal immigration just means that violent crime gets worse and worse.”

Masters also denounced “the weak-willed establishment Republicans who’ve stood idly by” and allowed Democrats to destroy the country.

We need to seal the border. We need to stop election fraud. We need to stop this crazy inflation. We’re going break up Big Tech,” he added. “Here’s one for you: why don’t we ban Chinese nationals from buying up all of the American farmland?”

Arizona’s primaries will be held on Aug. 2

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