2024 Election /

Blackstone CEO Suggests Biden's Age Could Trigger a Surprise In 2024 Election

His comments come as more Democrats seek reassurance Biden will remain as the presidential nominee

Blackstone CEO Suggests Biden's Age Could Trigger a Surprise In 2024 Election

The Chief Executive Officer of Blackstone, Inc., Steve Schwarzman, says that the American public would prefer a younger president, which could bring a surprise in the 2024 election cycle.

“Apparently the public is not that interested in really older people,” Schwarzman said during a Sept. 19 Bloomberg Television interview, citing a recent poll showing more than three-quarters of Americans think President Joe Biden is too old to run for office.

Schwarzman, who has served as an advisor to both Democrat and Republican presidents, remarked that when support is crystallized against a candidate, there is typically a shift.

“When you have that kind of situation, usually something else happens,” he said.

For some, that “something else” is a concern that Biden could be replaced on the ticket.

The interview comes at a time of heightened anxiety among Democrats who have questioned if he may drop out of the race.

While many within the party remain confident in Biden, some are so frazzled that Jim Messina, a former campaign manager, had to put together a 24-slide deck aiming to calm their jitters, according to a new report in The Washington Post.

“I’m not saying that this is going to be easy and he’s fine,” Messina said in an interview. “Look, America is split right down the middle. Both parties are going to get 46 percent, and we’re fighting over the rest.”

A midwestern party official expressed concerns that Biden could potentially pass away prior to the end of either this election cycle or his second term.

“He is in a period of his life where passing and death is imminent,” Sharon Sweda, the leader of the Democratic Party in Lorain County in Ohio, told the Post. “We are all on a ticking clock. But when you’re at his age or at Trump’s age, that clock is ticking a little faster, and that’s a concern for voters.”

Others on social media are adamant in their belief that Biden ultimately will not be the presidential nominee next year, noting the recent negative news coverage Biden is receiving from left-leaning publications, new polling, and the impact that corruption allegations involving his son could impact the presidential race.

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