2024 Election /

Biden Team Hoping For Big Trump Win In New Hampshire Primary

Biden Team Hoping For Big Trump Win In New Hampshire Primary

Staffers on the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden are hoping former President Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination.

While many in MAGA-world are expecting a huge Trump win if he secures the nomination, with most polls showing him trouncing Biden in a re-match, those working on Biden’s campaign believe Trump’s name on the general election ballot will mobilize Democrat voters.

Biden’s team says that Trump being the nominee would provide a “much needed jolt of energy to voters and grassroots donors who don’t want to see Trump back in the White House,” as explained in a report from Axios.

According to the report, Biden’s campaign has internal data showing that most of the undecided voters they are targeting don’t believe Trump will be the nominee and aren’t tuned in with Election Day being so far away.

Only 20 percent of the public has been paying attention to the 2024 presidential race, while 47 percent say they have paid little or no attention, according to an AP-NORC poll.

Internal data leaked to CNN shows the Biden team that nearly three-quarters of its targeted voter base does not believe that Trump will be the nominee.

Some discount a possible primary win over Trump’s four pending criminal trials, where he faces 91 felony counts.

However, Democratic strategists close to the Biden campaign told Axios that Trump is one of the best motivators of Democrats they have ever seen.

After Trump’s win in the Iowa caucus, top Democrats are now saying it’s time that voters reckon with the fact that they will be choosing between Biden and Trump again this year.

The Biden campaign will have substantial resources to mount an effort to stop Trump from making his way back to the White House.

One pro-Biden super PAC raked in $208 million last year. Combined with the $97 million the campaign brought in, Biden’s team already has $325 million in the bank.

“Most Democrats I know are frankly terrified at the prospect of another Trump presidency and that’s why you’ve seen President Biden and his team repeatedly highlight how dangerous a second Trump term would be,” said Lis Smith, a senior adviser to Pete Buttigieg during the 2020 Democratic primary campaign.

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