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Biden on Evan Gershkovich: 'We Will Continue Working Every Day to Secure his Release'

The journalist is one of at least five Americans currently being detained in Russia

Biden on Evan Gershkovich: 'We Will Continue Working Every Day to Secure his Release'

President Joe Biden marked the one-year anniversary of the arrest of Evan Gershkovich by promising he has not forgotten the American being held by the Kremlin.

Gershkovich is a journalist for the Wall Street Journal who is currently detained in Russia after being accused of espionage in March of 2023.

Journalism is not a crime, and Evan went to Russia to do his job as a reporter — risking his safety to shine the light of truth on Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine,” said Biden in a press release. 

“As I have told Evan’s parents, I will never give up hope either. We will continue working every day to secure his release. We will continue to denounce and impose costs for Russia’s appalling attempts to use Americans as bargaining chips,” the president continued. “And we will continue to stand strong against all those who seek to attack the press or target journalists—the pillars of free society.”

Gershkovich’s remarks were extended three months by the Moscow City Court on March 26.

Biden also mentioned Paul Whelan, the former United States Marine, who is currently serving a 16-year sentence in a maximum-security prison after being arrested in 2018.

During an interview with BBC in December of 2023, Whelan said he felt that he had been “abandoned” by the Biden administration. He also expressed fear for his safety. Whelan said that the federal government’s failure to secure his release while negotiating for the release of other Americans was a “serious betrayal” and “extremely frustrating.”

“To all Americans held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad: We are with you. And we will never stop working to bring you home,” said the president on the anniversary of Gershkovich’s arrest.

The Biden administration has been criticized for selectively referencing Americans who are currently detained.

In December of 2022, the federal government exchanged incarcerated arms dealer Viktor Bout for WNBA player Britney Griner who was arrested after bringing a marijuana vape into Russia. Biden did not mention Whelan or Pennsylvanian teacher Marc Fogel in his announcement. Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carsten appeared on Good Morning America and vowed that the Biden administration had not forgotten Whelan – but did not mention Fogel.

Pennsylvania Congressman Guy Reschenthaler slammed Biden for leaving Fogel behind. Fogel was given a 14-year prison sentence in 2022 for bringing marijuana into Russia. The teacher had a medical marijuana prescription from an American doctor for chronic pain.

“Swapping a celebrity basketball player for the Merchant of Death – while excluding a Marine and a history teacher – is patently offensive and exposes the Biden Administration’s deeply rooted disdain for everyday Americans,” said Reschenthaler in a statement. “It is clear [Paul Whelan] and Fogel are afterthoughts to this administration, who care more about celebrity admiration and wokeness than returning all Americans safely to their families.”

In addition to Whelan and Fogel, two Russian-American citizens are currently incarcerated in Russia. Former ballerina and spa worker Ksenia Karelina was arrested in Russia in February and charged with high treason while Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reporter Alsu Kurmasheva was detained in June. Both women traveled to Russia to visit family.

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