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After Dethroning of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Biden Now Worries About Ukraine Funding

Government records show the U.S. has already provided more than $113 billion, while another $44 billion has been requested by the White House

After Dethroning of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Biden Now Worries About Ukraine Funding

This week, the U.S. House of Representatives removed House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his position, leaving a power vacuum and questions about who will ultimately replace him.

Though House Republicans have already begun the process of choosing another leader, the vacancy could impact funding negotiations as Congress wrangles over a deal to fund the government.

“It becomes substantially harder to do a government spending deal, because the message has been sent that Republicans should not rely on Democrats to pass any bills,” Brian Riedl, a former aide to Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) who is now a policy analyst at the Manhattan Institute, told the Washington Post.

Amid the congressional uncertainty, President Joe Biden is expressing fears that Ukraine may be subjected to funding cuts.

In addition to the $113 billion the U.S. already provided Ukraine, Biden recently requested another $24 billion as he works to keep the war with Russia alive.

McCarthy being removed as speaker casts doubt over how soon, or whether, that funding will be granted.

"It does worry me," Biden said. "But I know there are a majority of members of the House and Senate, in both parties, who have said that they support funding Ukraine."

House Republicans hold a slim 222-212 majority over Democrats. Recent polling has shown more than half the country believes congress should not authorize additional Ukraine funding. As America faces numerous challenges as home, including a growing border crisis, skyrocketing mortgage rates, record high consumer debt, and oil prices expected to top $100 per barrel, congressional Republicans are less supportive of funding Ukraine, instead wanting to prioritize domestic issues.

A last-ditch effort to avoid a government shutdown over the weekend included no new funding for Ukraine, while hopes for a deal were dashed with McCarthy’s departure from the speakership.

Biden says he will soon deliver a speech to make the case for why it is necessary to continue funding Ukraine.

"I'm going to make the argument that it is overwhelmingly in the interests of the United States of America that Ukraine succeed and it's overwhelmingly in our interests," he said.

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