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40% of Californians Are Considering Leaving State

Economic issues are driving state residents to flee

40% of Californians Are Considering Leaving State

Over the past two years, more than 500,000 people fled California.

Now, amid economic woes and surging crime rates, a large chunk of the state’s population is considering packing up and leaving.

According to a new statewide survey, 40 percent of California residents are considering moving to another state — 18 percent said they are “very seriously” considering a move.

Nearly two-thirds (61 percent) of respondents said that living in the Golden State is “too expensive,” which is the main reason driving the exodus.

The poll results could be a harbinger for narratives likely to play out during the 2024 election cycle.

"These poll results show that the voters are likely to be receptive to a message that draws a state vs. national contrast on issues relating to diversity and race relations. 'This is the California way: I’m going to take your values to Washington,'" said Dan Schnur who teaches political communication at USC and UC Berkeley and helped direct the survey.

Overall, 43 percent say they believe California is on the wrong track, while just 28 percent feel the state is headed in the right direction.

Fifty-six percent of respondents say they are dissatisfied with the cost of their healthcare — the same percentage of people who are unhappy with the amount of money they are paying for their home.

Crime is an area that has had a substantial impact on California in recent years.

In San Francisco, homicides are up five percent compared to last year, while robberies have increased more than 16 percent. Motor vehicle theft and arson are also on the rise, according to the city’s latest crime data.

As Timcast previously reported, “Other data shows that San Francisco residents have a roughly 1-in-16 chance of being a victim of property or violent crime, making the city more dangerous than 98 percent of U.S. cities. Even Compton, home of the notorious gang wars between the Crips and Bloods, is statistically almost twice as safe as San Francisco.”

According to the survey, 59 percent say they are dissatisfied with crime and public safety in the area in which they live.

Nearly half (46 percent) say they struggle to save money or pay for unexpected expenses, while 68 percent are dissatisfied with the state’s economy, and 81 percent are unhappy with the cost of everyday living expenses.

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