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158 Democrats Oppose Bill to Deport Illegal Aliens Convicted of Sex Crimes

Rep. Mace: 'If you are an illegal who has committed acts of violence against women, you will not find sanctuary here'

158 Democrats Oppose Bill to Deport Illegal Aliens Convicted of Sex Crimes

More than 150 Democrats voted against a bill that would authorize the deportation of undocumented immigrants convicted of sexual offenses against women and children.

The bill, H.R. 7909, passed the House with a 266-158 vote, with unanimous support from Republicans present and backing from 51 Democrats.

In addition to deporting individuals convicted of sex crimes, the legislation would render foreign nationals who have committed domestic violence or sex-related charges inadmissible to the U.S.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.), the bill's sponsor, said the measure sends a “strong message” to foreign nationals who seek to commit crimes in the U.S.

"We are fed up with headlines about women losing their lives or becoming victims of assailants who trespassed into our country illegally under the Biden-Harris border crisis," Mace said. "This legislation sends a strong message: if you are an illegal who has committed acts of violence against women, you will not find sanctuary here.”

In a post on X, Mace added, “Every member voting against this bill shows the American people they care more about illegal aliens than our women and children.”

Debate over the bill was heated, with Republicans condemning what they described as the consequences of lax border policies, while Democrats argued that the legislation unfairly demonizes immigrants.

“It seems that every few days we learn of little girls and young teens or moms abducted by illegals, raped by illegals, and murdered by illegals, none of whom have any right to be here, and all of whom have been trafficked into our country by this administration's policies,” said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.).

“The Democrats often talk about the war on women over abortion or employment policy, but it seems they couldn't care less about allowing into our country a flood of sexual offenders, domestic violence offenders, and child abusers, and allowing them to stay indefinitely free from any fear of deportation,” he continued. “And when these monsters commit these ghastly acts and their grief stricken moms appear before our committee, the Democrats put on their best long faces, assure everyone how much they grieve with the families, and then argue to continue precisely the same policies that have produced this nightmare in the first place.”

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) opposed the bill, arguing it would harm both undocumented immigrants and survivors of domestic violence.

"Here we are again, debating another partisan bill that fearmongers about immigrants, instead of working together to fix the immigration system," she said. "I probably shouldn't be too surprised. Scapegoating immigrants and attempting to weaponize the crime of domestic violence is appearing to be a time-honored tradition for Republicans."

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